Pete Seligman Paintings Oil, cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 2
On the Road to Escalante
Oil, cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
14" x 11"
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil, cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 4
When You Awake
Oil, cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
14" x 11"

(Title: song by Robbie Robertson & The Band)
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil, cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 6
Public Service Announcement No. 2
Oil, cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
14" x 22.5"
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil, cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 8
Dream: Nov. 6, 2024
Oil, cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
11" x 14"
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil. cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 10
Oil. cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
14" x 11"
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil, acrylic & collage on wood panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 12
Blinded by the Light
Oil, acrylic & collage on wood panel
11" x 14"
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil, cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 14
Chopstick Lesson
Oil, cold wax medium, collage on wood panel
9" x 12"
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & collage on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 16
Waking Up from Anesthesia
Acrylic & collage on canvas
30" x 24"
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & photos
Paintings ,  article artwork image 18
C&O Canal
Acrylic & photos
24" x 12"
Pete Seligman Paintings Collage & acrylic on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 20
Waking Up from Anesthesia 2
Collage & acrylic on canvas
30" x 30"
Pete Seligman Paintings acrylic & collage on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 22
Dream Land #5
acrylic & collage on canvas
12" x 32"
Pete Seligman Paintings collage & acrylic on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 24
Where Penguins Learn to Fly
collage & acrylic on canvas
24" x 30"
Pete Seligman Paintings acrylic & collage on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 26
The Wild West
acrylic & collage on canvas
12" x 32"
Pete Seligman Paintings acrylic & collage on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 28
acrylic & collage on canvas
12" x 32"
Pete Seligman Paintings collage & acrylic on canvas
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Penguin Hills Winery
collage & acrylic on canvas
12" x 32"
Pete Seligman Paintings collage & acrylic on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 32
Jeep Road
collage & acrylic on canvas
12" x 32"
Pete Seligman Paintings Collage & acrylic on canvas
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Woodstock Festival Site
Collage & acrylic on canvas
12" x 24"
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & collage on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 36
Dolly Sods, WV
Acrylic & collage on canvas
24" x 30"
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & paper on canvas
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South Shore of Long Island
Acrylic & paper on canvas
24" x 30"
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & photo on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 40
Return to Woodstock, No. 3
Acrylic & photo on canvas
24" x 30"

Locaiton: site of 1969 Woodstock festival
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & photo on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 42
Return to Woodstock, No. 1
Acrylic & photo on canvas
20" x 30"

Location: site of 1969 Woodstock festival
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & collage
Paintings ,  article artwork image 44
Return to Woodstock No. 2
Acrylic & collage
20" x 30"

Location: site of 1969 Woodstock festival
Pete Seligman Paintings Collage & acrylic
Paintings ,  article artwork image 46
Creation Myth
Collage & acrylic
11" x 28"
Pete Seligman Paintings Collage & acrylic on panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 48
Creation Myth No. 2
Collage & acrylic on panel
11" x 28"
Pete Seligman Paintings Collage & acrylic
Paintings ,  article artwork image 50
Low Country, SC #2
Collage & acrylic
18" x 24"
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & collage on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 52
Low Country, SC #1
Acrylic & collage on canvas
18" x 24"
Pete Seligman Paintings oil & collage on wood panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 54
Dolly Sods Plain
oil & collage on wood panel
9 x 12
Pete Seligman Paintings Collage & Acrylic
Paintings ,  article artwork image 56
Escalante Backpacking Trip #1
Collage & Acrylic
16" x 40"
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & photos
Paintings ,  article artwork image 58
What Happened
Acrylic & photos
12" x 18"

Note: Text does not say anything that is legible.
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic and collage on wood
Paintings ,  article artwork image 60
7 Sunsets
Acrylic and collage on wood
13.5 in. x 34.5 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & collage
Paintings ,  article artwork image 62
Potomac River Islands
Acrylic & collage
24.5 in. x 54.5 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings acrylic & collage
Paintings ,  article artwork image 64
Northern New Mexico
acrylic & collage
24" x 30"
Pete Seligman Paintings Mixed media on wood
Paintings ,  article artwork image 66
River Expedition
Mixed media on wood
22" x 12"
Pete Seligman Paintings acrylic & photos
Paintings ,  article artwork image 68
Molly in Dolly Sods
acrylic & photos
12" x 24"
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil and paper on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 70
Escalante Utah Trip No. 2
Oil and paper on canvas
24" x 30"

Both on horseback the cowboy and his daughter materialized out of nowhere. Two days into backpacking through Escalante River Canyons. Cowboy said: "Those paw prints in the sand. Maybe a mountain lion is tracking you". That night sleep came very late. And when it did come it was uneasy.
Pete Seligman Paintings oil & cold wax medium on panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 72
Wild Field
oil & cold wax medium on panel
14" x 11"
Pete Seligman Paintings oil, cold wax medium, metal can lid
Paintings ,  article artwork image 74
Voyager: Golden Record
oil, cold wax medium, metal can lid
14 in. x 11 in.

1977: Voyager spacecraft launched. Carl Sagan was one of the team leaders that created "The Golden Record", mounted on the spacecraft, explaining and depicting many cultural and technological aspects about our planet, including a recording of Chuck Berry's "Johnny Be Good". Eventually became the first earth object to leave the solar system. My artwork is a riff on The Golden Record's drawing of a hydrogen molecule.
Pete Seligman Paintings oil, cold wax medium, graphite on wood
Paintings ,  article artwork image 76
oil, cold wax medium, graphite on wood
8 in. x 6 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings oil, cold wax medium, charcoal, collage on panel
Paintings ,  article artwork image 78
oil, cold wax medium, charcoal, collage on panel
9 in. x 12 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings oil, cold wax medium, graphite on wood
Paintings ,  article artwork image 80
Totem Board
oil, cold wax medium, graphite on wood
24 in. x 6.75 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings acrylic paint & photograph
Paintings ,  article artwork image 82
River #4
acrylic paint & photograph
16 in. x 40 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings acrylic, oil, photograph on masonite
Paintings ,  article artwork image 84
Potomac River Morning
acrylic, oil, photograph on masonite
12 x 24
Pete Seligman Paintings acrylic, collage, graphite, photograph on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 86
Thoughts while driving near Escalante, Utah
acrylic, collage, graphite, photograph on canvas
18 x 24

Text, lower right:
In my America I have a front row seat in the parade at The Department of Homeland Hallucinations.
I am a massive hiccup of mystery.

I am in Utah and evolution is colliding with my salami sandwich. My hair falls out when time marches on.
Pete Seligman Paintings Mixed media
Paintings ,  article artwork image 88
Mixed media
22.25 x 24.5

Text in bottom panel reads:
Let us transform
Let us say blue future
Let us donate your car
Let us spearhead
Let us load up on outshine
Let us grind out a misplace
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 90
Fire Island
Oil on canvas
24" x 30"
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic, photograph & collage on canvas & wood
Paintings ,  article artwork image 92
Route 12
Acrylic, photograph & collage on canvas & wood
26.25" x 24.5"
Pete Seligman Paintings Acrylic & photographs
Paintings ,  article artwork image 94
Potomac River #2
Acrylic & photographs
11" x 24"
Pete Seligman Paintings Graphite, oil paint, collage on wood
Paintings ,  article artwork image 96
Text Times Three
Graphite, oil paint, collage on wood
9.5 in. x 36.5 in.

Text beneath the red circles:
"We jostled for position
A cowbell rang,
and people yell to each other,
water squirts up"
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil and collage on wood
Paintings ,  article artwork image 98
Hurricane Off the East Coast
Oil and collage on wood
13.5 in. x 30 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings Book covers and oil on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 100
Book Covers
Book covers and oil on canvas
24.5 in. x 10.75 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil on wood
Paintings ,  article artwork image 102
Oil on wood
16" x 20"
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil on canvas
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Eastern Oregon
Oil on canvas
18" x 24"
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil and collage on wood panels
Paintings ,  article artwork image 106
North Shore Triptych
Oil and collage on wood panels
Each panel 14" x 11"
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil and collage on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 108
Full Moon Over Virginia Mountains
Oil and collage on canvas
24.5 in. x 30.5 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 110
Trouble at Yellow Sky Farm
Oil on canvas
20.5 in. x 48.5 in.

Text, left panel reads:
"The octagonal understanding is shielded in evolution as thick as a slice of cantaloupe."
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil and collage on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 112
The Long Island Past
Oil and collage on canvas
18.5 in. x 14.5 in.

Text under slides reads:
"He's lost what he can never know/

And there is the space, experience, and histories
he didn't know existed/

There are glimpses of the all-powerful long ago."
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil and wood on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 114
Dolly Sods
Oil and wood on canvas
18 in. x 36 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil and collage on wood
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The Sea of Provocation
Oil and collage on wood
13.5 in. x 24.5 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil on canvas
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Beach at Night
Oil on canvas
18.5 in. x 72 in.
Pete Seligman Paintings Oil and collage on canvas
Paintings ,  article artwork image 120
Oil and collage on canvas
19 in. x 48 in.